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The Secret to Reliable Recall: Why Less is More When Calling Your Dog

Aug 18

2 min read



Does your dog seem to have selective hearing when you call them? If you've ever found yourself repeatedly calling your dog's name with little to no response, you're not alone. Many dog owners share this common frustration, but there’s a simple secret that can transform your dog's recall.

Dog Recall Training
A Guide To The Best Dog Recll Training

The Golden Rule: Safety First

Before diving into the how-tos, let’s start with an important safety tip: if your dog doesn't have a reliable recall, always use a 5-meter leash when out and about. This ensures their safety while you work on improving their response.

When and How to Call Your Dog: A Simple Guide

When to Call Your Dog

Here’s the first tip: Resist the urge to call your dog’s name repeatedly throughout the day for no real reason. Doing so dilutes the effectiveness of your commands and can lead to your dog ignoring you when it truly matters.

A Little Secret: Quality Over Quantity

You might think that the more you practice calling your dog, the better they'll get at it. However, overdoing it can actually backfire. Constantly calling your dog without a meaningful purpose can make them less responsive, especially when you need them to listen the most.

How It Works: Don’t Be a Nag!

Dogs are incredibly social creatures who respond best to meaningful communication within their pack – and yes, that means you! If you frequently call your dog for no reason, they’ll begin to tune you out. To them, it's like background noise. The key is to ensure that when you call their name, it always leads to something significant.

How to Use This Secret to Improve Recall

It’s simple: less is more. Call your dog only when you have a genuine reason. Make each call meaningful:

  • Before dinner

  • Before a walk

  • When giving a special treat

  • When getting their favorite toy

  • When someone they love arrives

By doing this, you’ll train your dog to associate their name with positive outcomes, making them more likely to respond when you need them to.

Final Check: Make Every Call Count

Before you call your dog, ask yourself:

  • Why am I calling them? Do I have a real reason?

  • What do I want them to do? If they come running, do I have a reward or purpose in mind?

Avoid calling your dog just to see if they'll come. By making every call count, you’ll foster a more responsive, attentive dog who’s eager to come when called.

In conclusion, mastering your dog's recall isn't about endless repetition; it's about creating meaningful, purposeful interactions. Remember, quality trumps quantity every time. Follow this simple rule, and watch your dog's response improve dramatically!

Aug 18

2 min read



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